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Linda Happy Birthdat, Sis August 30, 2012
Happy Birthday, Sis
(August 29, 2012)
I have come to the conclusion
That we all process the loss of a loved one
True, we all suffer similarities
And most will agree that the hurts dull…
Over time
However, the sense of loss
Never dulls…for me
I am well aware how significant my loss
Plays a role in everyday life
I say I have come to terms
I have learned to accept
But have I really?
Five years have now passed
And I still agonize over the thought
That all that is left are memories
While no new ones will ever be made
In my mind I see your smile,
I hear your voice, especially in laughter
And I can still feel your hugs
But those are just memories
And I feel so lost to not have it today
Or even yesterday and never tomorrow
Certain times my hurt is painfully sharp
Like today
On this day, many years ago,
You were born
Birthdays were always a big deal
The love and attentive happiness given by others
Made us feel ‘very special’
I wanted you to know, sis
That my thoughts are heavy this day
As is my heart
Birthday cake, candles and happiness
Will not take place today
But it is my hope that you still can feel the love
As I still feel yours
You will always be ' very special'

Love, hugs, kisses...Linda
 " Beyond Life~  I Still Can Love  You "

Not a single word had I written yet

and the tears had begun to flow

It was on this date three years ago

that I gave you one final kiss

and said goodbye

I stood at your bedside and watched

as  your life seeped from your being.

I have always wondered....

did you even know I was there?

I want to know....I have to know

Did you know I held your hand,

or that I was even there?

Did you know that I was torn between

begging you to live, and at the same time

telling you to embark on your final journey ?

Now three years later  I can't seem  to accept

that I shall never see, hug, laugh,or kiss you ever again

Through my personal  pain and suffering

I have learned  something I can always treasure:

"Beyond life~ I still Can Love You."  

Linda (sister)

Late Easter night I composed this for you and for all who suffer thoe loss of a loved one. I hope you like it sis.  This is what is called an acrostic poem.

I love and miss you ! 4~4~10




Latent feelings are both deep and protected. Only I have access to them

Obligations  from life to death, is oncoming to all living things. Does not mean it is ever embraced or accepted with willingness. It is simply overt

Virtues admired by all who knew you, both near and far, both then and now.

Immortalized to those who loved you deeply, in memories of imponderable feelings.

Never to be forgotten in both the hearts and minds of those who are left behind. Love lives on in the recesses of our very being.

Graced the lives of so many with gentleness and gratitude. A person who loved life , including it’s pitfalls and adversities.

You have left behind so much to comfort and console, but it is the warmth of your smile, your tender hugs, your very presence that are never more to be seen or felt.

Onward we go without you with the knowledge you are waiting until the day arrives that we will once again be together. This time….it will be forever.

United now with those who have gone before you. United we too shall be, when I am called to home. Until then I shall continue “ LOVING YOU !”


Sherry 2/23/09

Whoever said "time will heal the pain" never lost a precious loved one such as you.  The pain doesnt go away, it just goes deeper.  You know how you would say everyone has there price for something they would do, whatever the price is, i would pay it just to hug you right now!  I love you so very much.  We've had some pretty cold days this winter, it made me think how you would bundle up in a blanket.  Last we talked we were going to go to Sea World.  We talked about the barn party we had one year when it was cold, and your visit to Florida.  How we played bingo, but the best part of the night for you was the taco pie they made.  You seemed to bring that up often, how you enjoyed the taco pie and the next time you come to Florida we were going to play bingo so you could get one.  I hope you knew that my love for you was real.  I was blessed to have had an auntie as precious as you.  One couldnt ask for anything better!  I started this crying, but the more i remembered things we've done, the more i began to laugh.  You always brought joy to my heart, even when your not here, you still make me laugh.  Thank you.  Love you forever and always and then some!


Mama, after more than a year since your passing I am finally able to deal with this.  When God called you home, EVERY fiber of my life changed..nothing was the same. For months I refused to open up about how I felt, it was just far too painful. As the tears slip down my face and my heart aches, I find comfort only in that you are no longer suffering. I still can't drive by the hospital without developing a lump in my throat. There are times that I can barely compose myself, like when I'm sifting through my recipes and find one that you've written out for me, or when someone asks me about my Mama.

I know holidays and birthdays are special days to remember those we've lost, but EVERY day is a day to remember for me. Words can not describe the loss I feel, its just a profound feeling that never goes away. Earth is for the living Mama, and we've gone about our normal lives, missing you deeply, and keeping your memory alive. When my time comes Mama, put the coffee on, I have so much to tell you....Until then XOXOXOXOXOXOXO

Linda Scott

Today is the one year anniversary of your parting. Though I should rejoice that you have gone to be with our Lord, I can't help but wish you still here.  There is an emptiness in my life and heart that only your presence can fill. Somewhere in the night sky you are there as a star . Perhaps the gentle evening breeze is the movement of your angelic wings.  I love you, Sis. Linda


                                                      In MEMORY:


                                         A thousand times we needed you,

                                            A thousand times we cried,

                                       If love alone could have saved you,

                                           You never would have died.

                                       A heart of gold stopped beating,

                                      Two twinkling eyes closed to rest,

                        God broke our hearts to prove he only took the best.

                                                                                                 Never a day goes by,

                                                                              That your not near in my heart and my soul.



Christmas in Heaven

We've shared our hearts, full of Holiday Cheer

and shopped for presents for loved ones this year. 

The house is dressed up with garland and lights

That sparkle and shine through the Holiday nights.

But even with all this Holiday bliss

There's someone we lost that we terribly miss.

And as this Christmas Day draws near

We wish with all of our hearts she was here.

She's living her life way up past the stars

somewhere past Jupiter, Saturn and Mars.

She's spending her Christmas in Heaven, you see

and last night as I slept, a dream came to me.

She was standing before me, happy and well

she said to me "I have something to tell...

Heaven's more wonderous than you would believe

It's the greatest of gifts I could ever receive.

I'd like for you all to remember the good...

you know that I'd be there if I could.

So don't feel so bad that I'm not there

There are so many memories you can share.

As you gather together, I'm sure you'll find

the gifts deep within you that I left behind.

Each one is unique and wrapped brightly in love

They shine from your hearts as I shine from above.


Do you get email in heaven?  I hope you do, cause i just wanted you to know I sure love you!  There is not a day that goes by that I dont see your smiling face.  Your memory of life lives with me every day.  Your "Baby Mathew" rest comfortably at the foot of my bed, nestled in the blue blanket you enjoyed so much your last visit here.  I make my bed everyday and see the baby and you are then in my thoughts.  You start my day with a smile, and whenever I walk by the bed, I always take a hand and gently lie it on the baby, and you are with me again!  Will we ever see each over again?  I have great hope that we will!  I love you auntie.  I sure hope you get this email  Forever and always you will be with me.  10/12/07


Sherry 8/29/07

Dates to remeber have not been my specialty, but todays date is remebered because in the past i've taken for granted that if i didnt get your birthday card out in time that there was always the next day.  I dont have a next day to wish you a happy birthday.  You were taken from me far to soon, and like a fool i took for granted you would always be there.  I hope you know how sorry i am for the birthdays i failed to acknowledge on time, I love you auntie and i sure wish i had another chance to wish you a happy birthday.  I believe in my heart that you are happy and without anymore pain, and i believe you know that i loved you then as i love you now, and i will hold you in my heart forever and ever.  I am thankful for the time i have had with you but deeply sadened with the time i wont have. FOREVER I will hold you near to me.

Linda Scott(sister)

There are no words to express the emptiness I feel. I know I should rejoice with the knowledge that you are now with GOD in HIS kingdom but I want to hug you and celebrate this day, your Birthday! It is my hope that you know the sadness and emptiness that those of us left behind have for you......and always will. Our love for you will never change. For now and all eternity, you will shine in God's light and love.

         Deeply loved and miss YOU,

                Linda and Nene

Sherry (Niece)

I have spend the last few days trying to remember something really outstanding about auntie, and  what stands out most is she gave of herself often.  She was always a generous person, giving of her heart to everyone she came in contact with.  She was a very happy jolly person.  She made me and many others laugh till we cried.  Its difficult to believe she is not here, but I know she is happy were she is and she is sharing all her love with her new friends.  Until i see you again auntie, i will carry you close to my heart, and though i shed a lot of tears from your passing, i smile and laugh over the joy you've given me over and over.  I miss you, and love you so very very much! FOREVER and ALWAYS!!

Linda L. Scott,
My dearest sister, all my memories are filled with the love and laughter that we shared. Our bond was strong, and through the years we comforted one another in our earthly sorrows. I grieve for your loss and the knowledge that I will never embrace you or see that sweet smile. No words can I express the love I  have for you, or the sorrow that I feel now that you are gone. I love you, sis, and though you are now with our Lord, you will always be no farther from me then my heart.

               Today, Tomorrow, Forever,
               Your "sissypoo",Linda
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